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Hilary Thompson
The Out and About Therapist
Mind & Body Specialist
Healing for Living!
Ph: 0420 939 433
Belair, South Australia


Hilary Thompson
Originally from the UK, I left home at age 20 and after travelling through Europe and Asia,
I arrived in Australia in early 1974.
During my working life, I have had several career changes. My first career was as a Veterinary Nurse, the second was as a Dental Nurse and my third career change led me to become a
Body Corporate Manager.
In all of these careers, I have observed and learned how stress has a detrimental effect on our lives and how negative behaviour patterns based on fear translate through families from generation to generation.
Helping others to heal their relationships, their physical pain or their emotional pain is something that I am passionate about and I can't imagine doing anything else.
I have spent many years learning and practicing a number of healing modalities which give physical and emotional pain relief. Therefore I have many tools in my "Healing Toolbox" to draw on and give you the best possible outcome.
I have had many years in the "University of Life" where I have learned much. Learning and growing is,after all, what life is all about and is a continuous and ongoing process.
I am a published author having written the book “How to Tame the Monkey in Your Mind”. I have also co-authored the Ebook “A Beginners Guide to Internet Marketing” and have been a guest author for INetwork Business Magazine. I have also written two Ebooks for children, "A Cat Called Gwyn" and the "Let's Tell a Story Book" which you will find on Gwyn's page of this site.
I am based at Blackwood in the Adelaide Hills area of South Australia.Just a short drive south of the Adelaide CBD.
Phone me + 61 8 83703690 or email me and let's have a chat about what I can do to help you. Then, if you wish, we can set up an appointment to get you on your way to achieving your goals.
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