Hilary Thompson
The Out and About Therapist
Mind & Body Specialist
Healing for Living!
Ph: 0420 939 433
Belair, South Australia

Access BarsTM
What are the BARS™ and what happens when you have your BARS™ run?
The BARS™ are 32 specific energetic points on the head, which are connected from one side of the head to the other
Running BARS™ loosens judgements, decisions, conclusions, beliefs, thoughts
Brain waves slow down, allows cells to receive, discharges excess energy – this is deeply relaxing
When you are connecting a bar on the right side of the head and a bar on the left side of the head, the energy going through the head starts to integrate the hemispheres of the brain (instead of right/left brain dominance – function together)
This restructures how the brain is organises (wired)
Neuroplasticity – running BARS™ facilitates a more pliable, more neuroplastic environment – so that people can change self-defeating habits, patterns and behaviours that are no longer working for them
Neurotransmitters are specific chemical messengers that move information from cell to cell. If the neurotransmitters are out of balance, messages cannot get through properly and this contributes to anxiety – having BARS™ run can reduce anxiety
Awakens, simulate parts of the brain, particularly the mid-brain – this is where the pituitary and hypothalamus, which regulate hormones and chemicals are located
Most diseases are affected by hormones/chemicals released in the body
Running energy (i.e. BARS™) allows people to have awareness and perceive what hormones and chemicals are being released
Pituitary is the Master Gland – first thing you start to do when running BARS™ is to stimulate the pituitary gland (third eye area) - this releases a cascade of the right mix of hormones and chemicals, which are then sent to wherever they are required within the body
One BARS™ session can start to shift aches, pains and chronic illnesses etc. that a person may have had for years
Be aware that your body may temporarily require more water, sugar, salt and oxygen.
This is because a BARS™ session causes a major discharge of the brain’s synapses as the electromagnetic component of thought is released. This electrical discharge requires salt and water. Our brain uses up 90% of the sugar in our bodies and with the discharge of synapses that occurs when your BARS™ are run, the brain often requires more sugar than usual. Fruit, dried fruit, good quality chocolate, raw honey are all possibilities as sources of sugar.
Source: www.bars.accessconsciousness.com